
Repetition of words, phrases, sentence structure, information
Missing words or information
Tense or point of view changes
Sentence structure
Word choice
Copyediting polishes your writing so your story keeps readers riveted. Copyediting looks at:
Unless written into the contract, copyediting does not include fact-checking, obtaining or listing permissions needed, providing or editing subsequent material, or editing the index.
Each author gets personal treatment at Maine Woods Editing. I will ask about your style preferences (from the Oxford comma and formatting to pronoun usage) and any problem areas you'd like me to especially pay attention to (overused words, timeline inconsistencies). Your manuscript will get two back-to-back reads using Track Changes in Word so you are able to accept or reject each change. As I’m editing, I'll craft a customized style sheet that lists character names and descriptions, places, timeline events, formatting choices, and spellings specific to your text, ensuring consistency within this book and across a series. I'll leave comments giving alternate wording suggestions, explaining grammar and writing rules—which you can apply to future books—and pointing out sentences and scenes that shine.

At the end of my edits, you’ll receive: (1) your manuscript, (2) an editorial report summarizing key writing and grammar rules and giving feedback from the standpoints of both a reader and an editor, (3) your style sheet, (4) tips and tricks for working with Track Changes, and (5) a practice document so your edited manuscript stays secure.
Copyediting Example
See an example of my copyediting style. With several authors' permission, I put this example together. Please note: This is best viewed on a computer.